zondag 27 september 2009

Muis van PB aan de klokken 1

Deze kaart heb ik gemaakt op 27-9-2009.
Stempel: is van Penny Black en de tekst stempel is ook van Penny Black.
De stempel afdruk heb ik in gekleurd met Copic Ciao markers.
Inkt: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Flannel, Distress Ink: Fired Brick.
Splitpennen: Geel.
EyeletBloem: Wit.
Kleuren Medium: Copic Ciao: RV06 Cerise, E00 Skin White, E08 Brown, R35 Coral, Y06 Yellow, G14 Apple Green, B00 Frost Blue.
Lint: Groen met wit lint.

Mouse from PB to the clocks 1

This card I made on 27-9-2009.
Stamp:from Penny Black and is the text stamp is also from Penny Black.
The stamp I colored in with Copic Ciao markers.
Ink: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Flannel, Distress Ink: Fired Brick.
Split pins: Yellow.
EyeletBloem: White.
Color Medium: Copic Ciao: RV06 Cerise, E00 Skin White, E08 Brown, R35 Coral, Y06 Yellow, G14 Apple Green, B00 Frost Blue.
Ribbon: Green with white ribbon.

maandag 21 september 2009

Egel met een slee vol cadeautjes van PB 1

Deze kaart heb ik gemaakt op 20-9-2009.

Stempel: is van Penny Black en de tekst stempel is ook van Penny Black.
De stempel afdruk heb ik in gekleurd met Copic Ciao markers
Inkt: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Royal Satin, Distress Ink: Fired Brick.
Splitpennen: Groen.
EyeletBloem: Bruin.
Kleuren Medium: Copic Ciao: RV06 Cerise, E00 Skin White, R20 Blush, E08 Brown, C-3 Cool Gray No.3, R35 Coral, Y06 Yellow, R00 Pinkish White, YR16 Apricot, YG11 Mignonette, V04 Lilac.

Hedgehog with a sleigh full of gifts from PB 1

This card I made on 20-9-2009.
Stamp: from Penny Black and is the text stamp is also from Penny Black.
The stamp I colored in with Copic Ciao markers
Ink: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Royal Satin, Distress Ink: Fired Brick.
Split pins: Green.
EyeletBloem: Brown.
Color Medium: Copic Ciao: RV06 Cerise, E00 Skin White, R20 Blush, E08 Brown, C-3 Cool Gray No.3, R35 Coral, Y06 Yellow, R00 Pinkish White, YR16 Apricot, YG11 Mignonette, V04 Lilac.

zondag 20 september 2009

A toast to you van PB 1

Deze kaart heb ik gemaakt op 19-9-2009.
Stempel: is van Penny Black en de tekst stempel is van Hero Art.
De stempel afdruk heb ik in gekleurd met Copic Ciao markers.
Inkt: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Royal Satin, Distress Ink: Worm Lipstick.
Splitpennen: Geel.
EyeletBloem: Roze.
Kleuren Medium: Copic Ciao: RV06 Cerise, E00 Skin White, R20 Blush, E08 Brown, B00 Frost Blue, C-3 Cool Gray No.3.

A toast to you from PB 1

This card I made on 19-9-2009.
Stamp: from Penny Black and is the text stamp is from Hero Art.
The stamp I colored in with Copic Ciao markers.
Ink: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Royal Satin, Distress Ink: Worm Lipstick.
Split pins: Yellow.
EyeletBloem: Pink.
Color Medium: Copic Ciao:RV06 Cerise, E00 Skin White, R20 Blush, E08 Brown, B00 Frost Blue, C-3 Cool Gray No.3.

maandag 14 september 2009

Tilda met een hondje 1

Deze kaart heb ik gemaakt op 14-9-2009.
Stempel: is van Magnolia en de tekst stempel is van Penny Black.
De stempel afdruk heb ik in gekleurd met Copic Ciao markers.
Inkt: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Royal Satin, Distress Ink: Worm Lipstick.
Cuttlebug: Nestabillities: Deckled Rectangles Large, Embos-Stencil: Diamond Plate.
Splitpennen: Roze.
EyeletBloem: Wit.
Kleuren Medium: Copic Ciao: R00 Pinkish White, RV06 Cerise, E00 Skin White, R20 Blush, Y06 Yellow, E08 Brown, YR16 Apricot, YG11 Mignonette, G14 Apple Green.

Tilda with a dog 1

This card I made on 14-9-2009.
Stamp: from Magnolia and the text stamp is from Penny Black.
The stamp I colored in with Copic Ciao markers.
Ink: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Royal Satin, Distress Ink: Worm Lipstick.
Cuttlebug: Nestabillities: Deckled Rectangles Large, Emboss-Stencil: Diamond Plate.
Split pins: Pink.
EyeletBloem: White.
Color Medium: Copic Ciao: R00 Pinkish White, RV06 Cerise, E00 Skin White, R20 Blush, Y06 Yellow, E08 Brown, YR16 Apricot, YG11 Mignonette, G14 Apple Green.

zondag 13 september 2009

Tea cozy van PB 1

Deze kaart heb ik gemaakt op 13-9-2009 Het is een patroon van Chrissie.
Garen: zijn van Madeira: 1025, 2307
Stempel: is van Penny Black en de tekst stempel is ook van Penny Black.
De stempel afdruk heb ik in gekleurd met Copic Ciao markers.
Inkt: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Cappuccino Delight.
Cuttlebug: Nestabillities: Mega Rectangle Deckled LA, Deckled Rectangles Large, Embos-Stencil:
Diamond Plate.
Kleuren Medium: Copic Ciao: B00 Frost Blue, E00 Skin White, B05 Process Blue, R20 Blush.

Tea cozy From PB 1

This card I made on 13.9.2009 It is a pattern from Chrissie.
Yarn: from Madeira: 1025, 2307
Stamp: Penny Black and is the text stamp is from Penny Black.
The stamp I colored in with Copic Ciao markers.
Ink: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Cappuccino Delight.
Cuttlebug: Nestabillities: Mega Rectangle Deckled LA, Deckled Rectangles Large, Emboss-Stencil: Diamond Plate
Color Medium: Copic Ciao: B00 Frost Blue, E00 Skin White, B05 Process Blue, R20 Blush.

vrijdag 11 september 2009


Wil je dit winnen ga dan naar Karin Versteeg Design
Wat moet je doen :
1: Zet een link op je eigen blog naar haar blog
2: Meld je aan als volger op Haar blog
3: Laat een leuk berichtje achter in haar topic.
Candy loopt tot en met 30 september 2009. Ga maar snel kijken!


Do you want to win go to Karin Versteeg Design
What you must do:
1: Put a link on your own blog to her blog
2: Sign up as a follower on her blog
3: Have a nice message in her topic.
Candy runs until 30 september 2009. Ga fast but look!

maandag 7 september 2009

2 muizen van PB in 2 sokken aan een kerst tak 1

Deze kaart heb ik gemaakt op 7-9-2009.
Stempel: is van Penny Black en de tekst stempel is ook van Penny Black.
De stempel afdruk heb ik in gekleurd met Copic Ciao markers.
Inkt: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Royal Satin.
Cuttlebug: Nestabillities: Deckled Rectangles Large, Emboss-Stencil: Snowflakes, Christmas Ornaments.
Splitpennen: groen en rood.
Kleuren Medium: Copic Ciao: R35 Coral, R20 Blush, E00 Skin White, YG11 Mignonette, Y06 Yellow, 0 Colorless Blender, G14 Apple Green.

2 mice from PB in a Christmas 2 socks on a Christmas branch 1

This card I made on 7-9-2009.
Stamp: is from Penny Black and the text stamp is also from Penny Black.
The stamp I colored in with Copic Ciao markers
Ink: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Royal Satin.
Cuttlebug: Nestabillities: Deckled Rectangles Large, Emboss-Stencil: Snowflakes, Christmas Ornaments.
Split pins: green and red.

Color Medium: Copic Ciao: R35 Coral, R20 Blush, E00 Skin White, YG11 Mignonette, Y06 Yellow, 0 Colorless Blender, G14 Apple Green.

Kerst egel van PB met een lantaarn en bladmuziek 1

Deze kaart heb ik gemaakt op 7-9-2009.
Stempel: is van Penny Black en de tekst stempel is ook van Penny Black.
De stempel afdruk heb ik in gekleurd met Copic Ciao markers.
Inkt: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Royal Satin.
Cuttlebug: Nestabillities: Classic Scalloped Oval Large.
Splitpennen: Sneeuwvlokken.
Kleuren Medium: Copic Ciao: E08 Brown, R00 Pinkish White, Y06 Yellow, R20 Blush, 0 Colorless Blender, R35 Coral, B00 Frost Blue, E37 Sepia.

Christmas hedgehog from PB with a lantern and sheet music 1

This card I made on 7- 9 - 2009.
Stamp: from Penny Black and the text stamp is also from Penny Black.
The stamp I colored in with Copic Ciao markers.
Ink: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Royal Satin.
Cuttlebug: Nestabillities: Classic Scalloped Oval Large.
Split pins: Snowflakes.
Color Medium: Copic Ciao: E08 Brown, R00 Pinkish White, Y06 Yellow, R20 Blush, 0 Colorless Blender, R35 Coral, B00 Frost Blue, E37 Sepia.

zondag 6 september 2009

Cherry jubilee van PB 1

Deze kaart heb ik gemaakt op 6-9-2009.
Stempel: is van Penny Black en de tekst stempel is van Hero Art.
De stempel afdruk heb ik in gekleurd met Copic Ciao markers.
Inkt: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Distress Ink: Worn Lipstick.
Cuttlebug: Nestabillities: Deckled Rectangles Large, Emboss-Stencil: Argyle, Diamond Plate.
Splitpennen: groen en blauw.
Kleuren Medium: Copic Ciao: E08 Brown, R00 Pinkish White, R35 Coral, R20 Blush, E00 Skin White, RV06 Cerise, YG11 Mignonette.

Cherry jubilee from PB 1

This card I made on 6-9-2009.
Stamp: from Penny Black and the text stamp is from Hero Art.
The stamp I colored in with Copic Ciao markers .
Ink: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Distress Ink: Worn Lipstick.
Cuttlebug: Nestabillities: Deckled Rectangles Large, Emboss-Stencil: Argyle, Diamond Plate. Split pins: green and blue.
Color Medium: Copic Ciao: E08 Brown, R00 Pinkish White, R35 Coral, R20 Blush, E00 Skin White, RV06 Cerise, YG11 Mignonette.

vrijdag 4 september 2009

Zittende Tilda met een vlinder 1

Deze kaart heb ik gemaakt op 3-9-2009.
Stempel: is van Magnolia en de tekst stempel is van Hero Art.
De stempel afdruk heb ik in gekleurd met Copic Ciao markers.
Inkt: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Royal Satin, Distress Ink: Worn Lipstick.
Cuttlebug: Nestabillities: Classic Scalloped Oval Large, Emboss-Stencil: Argyle
Splitpennen: groen.
EyeletBloem: wit en bruin.
Kleuren Medium: Copic Ciao: E08 Brown, R00 Pinkish White, Y06 Yellow, R20 Blush, G14 Apple Green, RV06 Cerise, YG11 Mignonette.

Sitting Tilda with a butterfly 1

This card I made on 3-9-2009.
Stamp: from Magnolia and the text stamp is from Hero Art.
The stamp I colored in with Copic Ciao markers.
Ink: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Royal Satin, Distress Ink: Worn Lipstick.
Cuttlebug: Nestabillities: Classic Scalloped Oval Large, Emboss-Stencil: Argyle.
Split pins: green.
EyeletBloem: white and brown.
Color Medium: Copic Ciao: E08 Brown, R00 Pinkish White, Y06 Yellow, R20 Blush, G14 Apple Green, RV06 Cerise, YG11 Mignonette.

woensdag 2 september 2009

Golfing Popcorn the Bear 1

Deze kaart heb ik gemaakt op 1-9-2009 Het is een patroon van Chrissie.
Garen: zijn van Madeira: 1112, 2023, 1068, 1100
Stempel: is van Popcorn the Bear en de tekst stempel is ook van Popcorn the Bear en van Penny Black.
De stempel afdruk heb ik in gekleurd met Copic Ciao markers.
Inkt: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Royal Satin.
Cuttlebug: Nestabillities: Mega Rectangle Deckled LA, Embos-Stencil: Diamond Plate
Kleuren Medium: Copic Ciao: E08 Brown, R00 Pinkish White, B00 Frost Blue, Y06 Yellow, E00 Skin White, YR 16 Apricot, C-3 Cool Gray No 3, RV06 Cerise.

Golfing Popcorn the Bear 1

This card I made on 1/9/2009 It is a pattern of Chrissie.
Yarn: from Madeira: 1112, 2023, 1068, 1100
Stamp: from Popcorn the Bear and the text stamp is also from Popcorn the Bear and from Penny Black.
The stamp I colored in with Copic Ciao markers.
Ink: Adirondack: Pitch Black, Kaleidercolor: Royal Satin.
Cuttlebug: Nestabillities: Mega Rectangle Deckled LA, Emboss-Stencil: Diamond Plate.
Color Medium: Copic Ciao: E08 Brown, R00 Pinkish White, B00 Frost Blue, Y06 Yellow, E00 Skin White, YR 16 Apricot, C-3 Cool Gray No 3, RV06 Cerise.

dinsdag 1 september 2009

Blog Candy Time

Wil je dit winnen ga dan naar hobbystudio Ellen
Wat moet je doen :
1: Zet een link op je eigen blog naar haar blog
2: Meld je aan als volger op Haar blog
3: Laat een leuk berichtje achter in haar topic.
Candy loopt tot en met 11 september 2009. Ga maar snel kijken!


Do you want to win go to hobbystudio Ellen
What you must do:
1: Put a link on your own blog to her blog
2: Sign up as a follower on her blog
3: Have a nice message in her topic.
Candy runs until 11 September 2009. Ga fast but look!