Garen: zijn van DMC: 310, B5200, 700, 321, 666, 819, 948.
Cuttlebug: Ali Express: Bloem 1, Tekst Stans: Warme Winterwens.
Marianne Design: Cross Stitch Sweater, Cross Stitch Heart ( de 2 hartjes ).
Embos-Stencil: Sledding, Holly.
Perlen–Pen: Cream.
Perfect Pearls: Gold, Interference Green, Pink Gumball.
Tattered Angels: Chalkboard.
De gestanste borduur setjes zijn te koop bij de Facebook groep
Christmas sweater Santa 1
made this card on: 31-12-2020.
Yarn: are from DMC: 310, B5200, 700, 321, 666, 819, 948.
Cuttlebug: Ali Express: Flower
1, Text Stans: Warm Winter Wish.
Marianne Design: Cross
Stitch Sweater, Cross Stitch Heart (the 2 hearts).
Embos-Stencil: Sledding,
Perlen – Pen: Cream.
Perfect Pearls: Gold, Interference Green, Pink
Tattered Angels: Chalkboard.
The die-cut embroidery sets are for sale at the Facebook group
Groetjes / Greetings
Mascha Dietrich